Rosemary Ganley NIA exercise Peterborough Examiner

This fitness thing is always on our minds. As the evidence piles up that longevity and vitality are closely connected to our moving our bodies in a lifelong commitment, our sense of guilt and unease often increase. The bad news: one third of Canadians are overly heavy and only 20 per cent do the recommended 150 minutes of exercise a week.

I don't have numbers, but I think seniors may be among the least of the participants. I was typical. A modest athlete in high school and college, I entered family life with the attitude that working out is not "ladylike," and I gave up intentional exercise for 30 years. Then, as new knowledge surfaced that we should be active forever, I took up going to a gym.

Now in 2018, in comes NIA for me. Out at the Trent Athletic Centre every morning, as at the other two wellness centres, there are various opportunities for community members (should I say crones and sages) to do something physical. I appear there at any hour that suits me, generally later rather than earlier. There are yoga, treadmills, bikes, strength training, swimming, or just wandering among the machines, taking a quick glance at what the students are doing. (Better, of course to have a personal fitness person teach you).

One is surrounded by students, who have taken seriously the admonition that exams are best taken and depression is warded off when one is fit. They hardly blink at us white-headed athletes. They hold doors, say "good morning," make small talk. Are they thinking "Grandma among the lions?"

As they probably would say, "Get over yourself." The main obstacle to our joining in is our vanity.

So I was curious about this NIA offering on the calendar, twice a week at noon. The lively and encouraging leader, the only NIA teacher in town, is Elizabeth Kiser, who comes from Port Hope. Started in 1983 by a couple in San Francisco, NIA is a heady combination of martial arts, (yeah to inner aggression!), dance and yoga. It is aerobic without one being conscious of it, so busy is the mind on the rhythms of the music and the dance steps. Lots of attention is given to the hips, a good strategy, since so many of us seem to come into the hip replacement stage. Everything, from warm-up on is to music: pop, jazz, Latin, Indian and hip hop.

The initials NIA stand for neurological integrative action, or moving in your body's way, both sides equally involved.

Elizabeth has been practising NIA for 18 years, beginning in Virginia, and giving classes in the area for 12. Qualified in yoga and pilates, she has earned her black belt in NIA, and is articulate about its philosophy and benefits.

"It has gone international," she says, "in its ability to help people create new neurological pathways"

I'm not so good at exercising in silence. With NIA, I'm getting more up-to-date on modern tunes. Every few weeks we take on a new routine, basically much of the old with a few twists. We move in front of a mirror, but we are hardly conscious of the person beside us. We move for 55 minutes and are exhilarated. Every level of skill can be seen. (I am usually a half-a-step behind.)



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It is fascinating to see the range of people who come. Since NIA is neurological in nature, at least two of our class members are people with Parkinson's. You can see them enjoy and benefit.

Elizabeth Kiser tells me there are just 52 moves in NIA . Her classes at Trent are increasing in number, every age and body type. In her spare time, she hosts a weekly radio program on public radio in Port Hope; an interview show, called Happy Hour, Tuesday evenings at 7, on Northumberland's Truly Local radio, FM 89.7.

It is more, I think, than the fitness flavor of the month. Plus, everybody loves to dance.

Rosemary Ganley is a writer, teacher and activist. Reach her at

Rosemary Ganley is a writer, teacher and activist. Reach her at


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