12:00 PM12:00

Healing Mass:

Healing Mass…this Wes. , April 3/19, at 1.30 pm. in the chapel of Mount St. Joseph…includes healiang prfayer…anointing…Eucharisy…the gospel tells so many stories of the healing love of God experienced in and through Jesus…all aare invited and all are welcome.

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12:00 PM12:00

Retrial of Jesus

An event to be experienced…the Retrial of Jesus…a real judge…real lawyers…witnesses for and against Jesus…audience participation……the event will happen on Sunday, April 14/19 at 2.oo pm. in the Auditorium of the Mount Community Center…are are invited to attend this historicall happening.

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6:00 PM18:00

Healing Mass January 2/2019

The next monthly Healing Mass will be celebrated on Wednesday,January 2, , 2019 at 1.30 pm. in the chapel of Mount St. Joseph…we know that many people are living with illness, many burdens, struggles…so we invite eveyone, no matter the demonination , to gather with us and enter into prayer for those who are worried or strugglng…love takes many forms and gathering as a community to pray is one of the highest forms of love and compassion.You will be most welcome !

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6:00 PM18:00

Christmass Celebration Friday, Dec .21/18 at 6.00 pm.

Our Cheistmass celebration will be held on Dec.21/18 beginning at 6.00 pm. in the Auditorium of the Mount Community Center…two stories..One Joseph telling the birth of Jesus narrative, and Charmaine telling her story of coming to Canada…along with Christmass carols and sing-a-long…music by Danny Bronbson & Rich & Barb Hilts and Clare Keast and violin music by Sara McInnis…this is going to be a great evening of entertainment…song..story telling and loving community…hope to see you there.

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1:30 PM13:30

Rosemary's Award YMCA

A member of our community, Rosemary Ganley, will be honoured with a Peace Award on Friday, Nov.23/18 at 9.00 am. at the YMCA on Aylmer St. We are invited to join with her for the celebration of this Award…we are so proud of her and her voice in the community.

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1:30 PM13:30

up coming event: Dec. Healling Mass

Monthly Healing Mass…in the chapel of Mount St. Joseph on Dec. 5/18 at 1.30 pm….there are so many people carrying a heavy burden themselves and/or members of their family who may be ill…we as believers hold to the power of God and prayer for God to act, for us to allow God to act and to make a difference in our well being…and we do this trusting in the reality that God is with us and for us…we invite everyone not just Catholics to this healing service…all are most welcome…we all believe in the same God and Jesus the healer.

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